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Apple Distinguished School

13 November 2019

Did you know that we are an Apple Distinguished School?

Integration of technology into the learning environment has been deeply ingrained in the DNA of our school for decades. We began teaching programming on Apple Macs over 20 years ago and have since then continually endeavoured to select the very best and most valuable technological tools to evolve and re-invent the learning environment and experience for the benefit of our students.

Over this time, the development of learner-centric spaces and classroom practices which scaffold the development of 21st Century skills, creative problem solving solutions and project based learning, has led to us being recognised by Apple as the first Apple Distinguished School in Switzerland. We first received this recognition in 2016 and it has recently been renewed in 2019 in the light of our continued innovation and development.

Four of our staff are also recognised as Apple Distinguished Educators and numerous members of the teaching body have achieved the status of Apple Teacher, all of this in recognition of the excellence employed by our staff when integrating Apple technologies to augment the learning space and experience.

Read our iBook to learn more (in French)