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Kinetic visuals designed for Christmas at IIL

9 December 2016

The secondary French section Art students have designed this years greetings card. Inspired by Mark Rothko the master of Colourfield and Victor Vasarely, famous for his optical illusions, our students produced these pictures in answer to the Directors request.

Firstly using colours that provoke Christmas, secondly considering materials and textures within the size available (20 x 20 cm) and finally the last stage of the project, introducing the use of the iPad to manipulate the circle into the image of a christmas ball with contrasting colours.

The students created brilliant works of art following the requirements for the job in hand, they developed their skills and finished with an extraordinarily professional outcome: A festive and colourful greetings card that will be appreciated by the whole IIL community.

The last step of this project is for the students of ‘Seconde’ to visit the printing company ‘Atar’ who printed their cards. During this visit the printing professionals will explain the whole process involved, from the proof to the hard copy, in producing a high quality card.