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Official announcement

21 March 2018

We are delighted to present Mrs Monique Roiné, who will be the successor of Mr Foerster. She will take over the reins of the school when he retires this summer.

Of French origin, Mrs Monique Roiné will be joining the Institut International de Lancy equipped with extensive experience in education. With a close understanding of both students and teaching staff, she has taught in France and Germany, and headed schools in France and Vietnam. An educational expert in the framework of the European Council’s project “Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation” she is familiar with different educational systems. She will be stepping down from her position as Principal of the European School of Strasbourg with its French, English and German sections, to move to Geneva.

Mrs Roiné advanced her career in the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) and is well-acquainted with bi- and tri-lingual private schools.

IIL is looking forward to Mrs Roiné’s arrival. She is known to be a team player with good communication skills, a strong capacity for problem-solving and for dealing with complex situations.

Mrs Roiné will be settling in Geneva in July 2018 with her husband and 14 year old daughter who will be attending IIL. Her eldest son, aged 27, works in Zurich, while her 19 year-old son is studying foreign languages at university in Strasbourg.

Mrs Roiné will take over the leadership of IIL assisted by Mr Norbert Foerster and his managerial colleagues who will introduce her to the IIL environment.

Mrs Roiné is driven by her desire to see the school flourish.

We extend a warm welcome to Mrs Roiné in her role as Director General of IIL.

IIL Governing Board