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133 results found

Careers Fair

...profession of lawyer, the daily life of a field surgeon in wartime, and the experience of an advertising executive who has created his own company. These sessions were particularly appreciated...

March 13, 2024

STEAM Education

...even beyond academics. We scaffold maturing interpersonal skills through collaboration, giving students, not only the 21st century skills, but foundations that build leadership. IIL’s STEAM Education is education for life....

May 30, 2021

IIL welcomes

...the world around us, and celebrated our new library at its official inauguration.  The warmth, wisdom and generosity of our guests – who, between official engagements, shook hundreds of hands...

January 19, 2024

IIL web radio

This week, our first web radio broadcast will air! It is the result of a collaborative project between the bilingual and French sections. The students interviewed Thierry Gardet Head of...

October 18, 2021
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