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Work and succeed together

2 September 2019

The Institut International de Lancy is a modern school in an ever-changing world.

We are a multicultural, diverse community where children can flourish and develop a love of learning, inspired by motivational teachers.

Known for encouraging academic excellence, we strive to make students independent, autonomous learners through the use of 21st century approaches to teaching and learning.

We are united around the core values of mutual care and respect, shared with our founders, the Sisters of St Joseph of Lyon. Proud of our heritage, we are open to new ideas and innovation.

A forward-thinking school, we nurture communication, creativity and critical thinking.

We guide all learners through their schooling, encouraging compassion, multilingualism and an acceptance of differences. We are committed to developing each individual to be the best person that they can be.

This philosophy is our prime focus and we are doing all we can to make sure it grows and spreads through the whole school community.